Coast Banksia (Banksia integrifolia)

Coast Banksia (Banksia integrifolia) Flower

A tree as well as a shrub growing to potentially 25 m tall with tessellated or fissured bark.


A popular plant in the garden and landscaping, especially in coastal environments. Does best on sandy soils and is used as council street trees in beachside areas and landscapes.


Plant in a sunny spot and allow for drainage. Many banksias benefit from growing on a slight slope. Do not mulch too heavily and try to keep grass away from the trunk. Very hardy once established. It is excellent for attracting honeyeaters and other birds.


Will grow consistently if happy and will form a very nice tree after a few years. However, some plants may get leggy and so astute pruning may be needed to bush-up small plants. Will likely grow to about 10 m in a garden (although this will take time) and may spread to about 4 m wide, so allow some space. Very suitable for sandy gardens.


Prune after flowering or harvest cut flowers. Likely not overly frost tolerant. Very tolerant to coastal salt spray.


0499 772 575
18 Henry St, Henley Brook
Mon – Thur instant tree nursery icon 9AM – 12PM
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